
Awareness Through Movement (ATM)

These are classes that can be done singly or in a small group. The classes are mat-based & verbally guided by the practitioner.

Slow, gentle and quiet, these classes provide the potential to experience moving with awareness. The practitioner will guide you through a range of movement ideas that will inform, enrich and enable you to notice more about what you do. Undo habits, release tension and discover movement that feels easy, released and light.

Accessible to all ages and abilities, no experience necessary, just interest and curiosity. The moving is small and slow but the results can be unexpectedly big!

The classes can range from 30 or 45 minutes to an hour and can be at your home or mine (or arranged other space).


These may vary dependant on the location and length of the classes. Below are some examples as a guide (A reduced price is available if all sessions are booked in advance):

  • In person £8
  • Online £7

The aim is a body that is organised to move with minimum effort and maximum efficiency, not through muscular strength but increased consciousness of how it works

Moshe Feldenkrais
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