About the Method

The Feldenkrais Method was devised by physicist and engineer Moshe Feldenkrais. He became curious about the structure, function and architecture of the skeleton when he was diagnosed with a sporting knee injury that could have affected his ability to walk in his later years. With his scientific and engineering skills, alongside his interest in the movement potential of the body, he devised lessons to enable awareness, knowledge and a movement experience that would enhance and enrich the feeling of movement and most importantly discover how to move with ease and efficiency. He spent many hours, days and weeks moving very slowly and evolving a high level of attention and awareness that improved his own knee injury. This meant he walked well into his later years and he wanted to share this with others to help them experience and discover freedom of movement.

With both mat based lessons and a one to one sessions, Feldenkrais evolved a somatic movement practice where the possibilities are endless and where you can begin to recognise your movement habits and make a change for the better.

The Feldenkrais Method is a movement awareness practice that allows you time and space to discover a new understanding of your moving and being. This can offer you the possibility of choice in the way that you move, think and feel, and provide you with an awareness, the benefits of which, can be life changing. 
With this practice you can discover what it is to move without tension and the pain that this can bring.

Feldenkrais can help discover both ordinary and extraordinary moving with ease and efficiency.

Learn more about your movement potential in whatever it is you do, from the everyday to the elite….all moving can become easy and pleasurable with awareness and attention to how our bodies work.

‘…you don’t need to change…become who you are…

Elizabeth Beringer – Feldenkrais London Training 2012
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