Restore, Refresh, Reawaken

Do you suffer with back ache?
Neck/shoulder tension?
Do you struggle getting out of chairs or walking upstairs?
Has walking become painful or uncomfortable?
Are you recovering from an injury?

These are just some of the areas that the Feldenkrais Method can help to improve. A gentle non-invasive movement practice that will enable you to discover more about yourself and your potential to move with ease and efficiency.

You can experience the Method in two ways:

  • group classes – Awareness Through Movement (ATM) 
  • individual sessions – Functional Integration (FI)

Whether you run, walk, swim, lift weights, stack shelves or have a desk based job, the Feldenkrais Method is designed to work with you as an individual to enhance your particular movement interests and uniqueness, enriching your awareness of what you do and how you might be able to use less effort to experience and achieve more.

‘Making the impossible possible, the possible easy and the easy elegant’

Moshe Feldenkrais

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